As soon as I start seeing those ads for laser tape measures, Craftsman Tools and re-invented razor blades I know that Father’s Day is right around the corner. My Inbox starts filling up with messages about the impact of my song, “My Dad.” I read and collect them all. It’s an honor to be tied to this important holiday celebrating the role of fathers and their importance. I put a book together with these messages that people seem to like, a book that makes for a nice present for Dads everywhere.

While I was cruising the Kindle Site website I happened to check on my signature book, “Walt, Mickey & Me” (published in 1977 which is also available as an ebook) and noticed that the price of this paperback book continues to rise…especially those that I actually autographed.
Who knew that a forty year old book and a fifty year old song would still have a hold on peoples’ heart? This makes me so grateful I cannot find the words to express how thankful I am to all of you.
So, Happy Father’s Day on June 18th.
Paul Petersen Walt Mickey and Me

My best, Paul Petersen